Well we are at war, but fortunately I don't anyone personally who is fighting overseas. I still do have to be thrifty though, and apparently my grandmother along with millions of other American wives did too back in the BIG ONE (WWII). My lucky grandfather was a navy officer stationed over in Ireland (where is he is from. He is also an Irish lit. scholar, so I think he must have pulled some strings considering not much fighting went on there as far as I know. I think he says he played a lot of cards). But, Grandma was back home on the coast of Massachsuets in the house her father built, struggling to keep up with a slew of kids. I think actually only my mother and one aunt were there during the war. OK, I'm getting off track. A few years back my grandmother gave me an awesome gift- a book called the Complete Book of Sewing copyright 1943. This is the book that helped her keep house during the war and for the years to come.
It tells you everything you need to know from darning a hole in an underarm to cutting a pattern to making slipcovers, quilting, appliques, etc. The section I read recently that I am getting a lot of out of is on thriftiness and basically recycling worn adult clothes into clothes for your children. I also enjoyed the chart about how to change your wardrobe as the seasons change by just adding a few embellisments to same outfits.
If you are wondering how to prepare for March, just check below:
Now, if you are interested in refashioning some of your old clothes into garments for your kids, search no more:

I love this kind of thing. I remember when I was young, reading through my grandmother's cookbook about how to plan the perfect picnic, dinner party, etc. I thought it was so hilarious.
this is awesome! thank you for sharing this! i'm going to jump on finding a straw hat ASAP. Tomorrow is March 1st!!
that book is so great! what a great resource, even today.
This is great.. I can't ever pass up old books like this or old cookbooks. They have some great sections as well.
Thanks so much for sharing..
BTW Futuregirl sent me over.
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