I sewed the bird I had been wanting to make. I used one of my dumpster-dived Tiffany & Co. felt bags and a vintage nightie of mine which I foolishly tried to sleep in years ago (it ripped all over). I was going to give the birdie to our neighbor Mattie who is Harlan's girlfriend. Today is her first birthday and they're having a party. Well, I'm not bringing the bird. After I finished making it I realized how fragile it is and had second thoughts. The nightie fabric is very thin and the head could easily be ripped off the little birdie body by a strong-willed and curious toddler. Plus, I want to keep it. I think I mentioned a while ago that I seem to only make things that I sell or that are gifts and the cobbler's son needs some shoes (OK, this cobbler's son isn't going to get the bird either, but at least he can have it in his room for now). Instead I whipped up a cashmere sweater owl for Mattie to hug and bug with:

This owl is a total Chet and Dot rip off. Chet and Dot makes the cutest animals just like this one that she sells on Etsy. I apologize for borrowing her design but I had to make something in under an hour and I panicked! Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery as long as you're not trying to sell it right?
The lovely sweater is a super expensive and luxurious one that belonged to my good friend's mother. When we used to live together Ellen's mom would send boxes of clothes that she no longer wanted, and whatever Ellen didn't want, she'd offer me. It was always such nice clothing that I never turned it down even if it wasn't my style. Once there was a box containing several suits including two Armanis and a Calvin Klein. At the time I was still working as an executive secretary at good old T & Co. and had to wear coordinating suits so this was a huge coup for me. The only problem was they were all size six. I was an eight (notice the past-tense in that statement), but I could get into the navy wool gabardine Calvin Klein as long I used a safety pin to hold the pants closed. I just kept the jacket buttoned over the pants even if the heat was blasting. The Armani suits were too short so I brought them in and gave them to a co-worker from Guyana who had worked her way up into the offices from the back of the sales floor where she had tied little white bows for eight hours a day. We took the suits into the bathroom and she tried the first one on. It fit her perfectly and she started crying when she looked in the mirror, saying she had never owned anything so nice before. I remember wanting to tell Ellen's mom because it would make her happy but at the same time I didn't want Ellen to get in trouble for passing on the suits. The funny part is, I had asked Ellen why her mom even owned so many suits since she didn't work. The reason? She wore them to go suit shopping with her friends.
The lovely sweater is a super expensive and luxurious one that belonged to my good friend's mother. When we used to live together Ellen's mom would send boxes of clothes that she no longer wanted, and whatever Ellen didn't want, she'd offer me. It was always such nice clothing that I never turned it down even if it wasn't my style. Once there was a box containing several suits including two Armanis and a Calvin Klein. At the time I was still working as an executive secretary at good old T & Co. and had to wear coordinating suits so this was a huge coup for me. The only problem was they were all size six. I was an eight (notice the past-tense in that statement), but I could get into the navy wool gabardine Calvin Klein as long I used a safety pin to hold the pants closed. I just kept the jacket buttoned over the pants even if the heat was blasting. The Armani suits were too short so I brought them in and gave them to a co-worker from Guyana who had worked her way up into the offices from the back of the sales floor where she had tied little white bows for eight hours a day. We took the suits into the bathroom and she tried the first one on. It fit her perfectly and she started crying when she looked in the mirror, saying she had never owned anything so nice before. I remember wanting to tell Ellen's mom because it would make her happy but at the same time I didn't want Ellen to get in trouble for passing on the suits. The funny part is, I had asked Ellen why her mom even owned so many suits since she didn't work. The reason? She wore them to go suit shopping with her friends.
That's a great story!
You worked at Tiffany and Co.? What did you do there(if you don't mind my asking)? I love their boxes. and I wouldn't mind having a ring from them. (When I have an actual income)
I worked there for six years; my first job there was assisting one of the VPs. I did general assistant duties plus designed and wrote a lot of internal educational materials (like an apprentice program for hand engravers and manuals for the repair department). Then I moved into working in the photo studio and that was the job I enjoyed the most. I love photography and jewelry so it was a great way to spend time. My co-workers were great friends too. I miss the camaraderie of the workplace sometimes.
That sounds like it was a great job.
I still sometimes miss my job as a swatcher at Mulberry Neckwear for the same reasons.
Both owls are so cute! I particularly like the first one, though, as I think it would be so cute sitting on a shelf looking at me while I'm on the computer.
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