I made this blouse last week and I like how it came out despite its flowey, slightly maternity-esque shape. It was easy to make and for that I love it. I think for the next blouse I may give the old Simplicity 4589 a try that I have seen some other crafty bloggers make. It's also a bit boxy, but then if I want anything form fitting I have a closet full of such blouses that are just sitting there, waiting for me to stuff myself into them and return to work.
My Superbuzzy fairy tale fabrics arrived over the weekend.

I bought enough to make Harlan a bunch of shortalls for the summer but I love it all so much I am not sure what to do with it. It's almost too great to use. When I received the e-mail from Superbuzzy that new fabrics were in I checked them all out, made some bookmarks of the ones I wanted, and then went to sleep to avoid my usual urge to immediately buy everything I like the looks of. In the morning when I went back to open the bookmarks pretty much everything I wanted was gone. Who knew that online fabric shopping would become as competitive a sport as sample sale shopping? When did the day arrive that we turned into Betty and Wilma at one of those sales where the cave women dive into a pile beneath a SALE sign with limbs flailing and items flying overhead?
Also in the mail was this photo album from Shutterfly:
Last year when Harlan turned one I made him this album for his birthday. I put all the best photos from his first year in it along with a kind of letter to him that narrates what happened over the course of the year. It took me this long to edit and re-edit the damn thing and I finally gave in and ordered it last week. I love how it turned out although there are some typos that I did not catch when I edited it. I suppose that will add to the personalized charm.
During a bit of recent cleaning out of things I came across the perfect frame for the embroidery I made Joe for valentine's day:
Happy Easter and Passover everyone.
I just love Shutterfly's online album/books! They are so easy to make and they turn out great, too...
That shirt is very cute. I have the Simplicity pattern you mention but I still haven't gotten around to making one! Maybe I'll get motivated around here... I have some fabric to use up---but visiting Superbuzzy is always fun, too! I didn't realize it sells out so fast, tho.
I love your blouse. And I don't have a kid (as you know), but find those kiddie fabrics extremely tempting. You were smart to lay your head though before purchasing...because lord knows I would have bought a ton of stuff at once too. The michigander bible thumpers shut down all shops on Easter Sunday... and Brooklynian me, thought that JoAnns would be open, but she was not. Apparently it was a day of rest... so I didn't get to get fabric for the dress we attempted to make. I just see this as a path that has been made for me to take a trip to Purl... I hope that I can resist temptation there, and not break my bank account in buying out the store!
Blouse looks great. Bring back the warm weather please!
Warning-rant-why is it that we women are so against "looking pregnant" when we are not pregnant? Never has there been a generation that flaunted their pregnant bellies more. I guess because the rest of the time bellies mean you're fat and they are not to be flaunted.
Sorry I've just noticed a lot of posts in blogworld to the effect of "it looks like a maternity... on me."
I know what you mean about not being able to use the fairytale fabric. I have only managed to cut out one tiny piece and I have had mine since before Christmas!
Thanks everyone.
Old Round, I think no one wants to look pregnant when not pregnant because it just means looking like one has a big gut. I loved looking pregnant when I was, but at this point I'd rather my tummy was flat. Not that it was ever was before mind you :)
I love the shirt! I don't look at it and think "pregnant", I think something more like Doris Day at the State Fair. I love peasant style shirts. I think it looks good on you!
I have trouble using some of my favorite fabrics. There's something so enchanting about the potential of yardage. the knowledge that once used it's all over is kind of sad.
the top looks FAB!! well done!
perfect for your warmer weather.
I love that album, what a great idea!
Holy Smokes! The blouse... and the fabric... and the baby book! I don't see the "pregnant" on the blouse.
It is hard when fashion dictums say that all clothing should be super tight to think of anything remotely loose as "maternity" ish.
I however am having an opposite prob. All the tight stuff looks kinda inappropriate on me these days. Hence the Vintage obsession!
wear with pride!
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