The queen sized linen and cotton duvet that I scored a couple of weekends ago is coming in very handy. So far I used some for the convertable backpack I finally finished:

By the way if you want to pre-order the pattern for this bag you can do so on the designer's site here. The flowered fabric is Japanese canvas weight cotton and the orange button is a vintage one from France that I received from Charlotte in Sally Shim's Vintage Button Swap pt. 2. The first swap I also had a European swap partner. Fun.
I also cut a scrap to do this embroidery which is still a work in progress.
When it's finished I'll either use it to make a mini/doll quilt or a pillow, along with some vintage hankies. We'll have to see how much more time I am able to spend on it. Do you notice that the flower I started is blooming with French knots? Oh la la.
Hey, it looks great! Thanks for your email, and I hope you'll get lots of use out of the bag this summer.
Beautiful work. Love those kitties!
I found my way here when I fell in love with this bag over at Wardrobe Refashion. Your blog is gorgeous, and so is your work.
both the bag and the embroidery are so beautiful! can't wait to see what you do with the latter.
Oh - I love that vintage kitty!!! Is that a pattern?
it's finished! wow, that class flew by fast. it looks great! i'm going to have to sign up for it when the time and money is right for me. looks so so good!!
That bag is amazing. I wish I had one too.
I love french knots. I just learned how to do them this past December.
ack... the back pack. Must have a backpack of cuteness.. and the kitties are delish!
Talented lady!
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