Last weekend while doing some vintage-goodness shopping, I came across these two old aprons with chicken scratch embroidery on them, and could not resist. Once I got home, I remembered that I don't even wear aprons very often, and I knew that one of these lovelies deserved a home with someone who could really appreciate it. Since chicken scratch is all the rage in crafty blogland these days, I just know there is someone out there reading this who will want one of these aprons. Leave a comment saying which apron you want (I only will give away one) before next Tuesday, and a week from today I'll have Harlan draw a name at random from a hat. Be sure and comment with a way that I can contact you via e-mail should you win :)

Also in crafty goodness news: New curtains for Harlan's closet, sewn from Ikea fabric (forgive the lousy photo).

French knot details on bride-kitty's dress:
Some vintage 40's rayon crepe fabric that I'm going to make my next super lightweight TX style skirt with:
I'm a little unsure of how it will look once it's on me. It may too shear, and too unflattering, but I'm going to finally take the plunge and cut it up. I've had it sitting around since I got in Portland way back in the day.
I love the purple apron, it reminds me of the chicken scratch I did back in the early 1980's!
Please throw my name in the hat.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Jessica, I have an apron very much like the ones you are showing. My grandmother made it and I cannot bear to part with it. But I never wear it!
What I need (living in Taiwan) is a washable and pretty bib for those occasions when I am dressed up and out with friends, eating around a "lazy susan" covered with oily and delicious dishes--and navigating with chopsticks. Something is always bound to land on my favorite dress.
you seem like the coolest person! i love your style..very Bobby Gentry. I like the blue apron. I just made a pink gingham one recently.
I love the pillow you made for your friends! It's so cute! Please enter me for the pink apron in your giveaway. Thanks! I'm a little obsessed with chicken scratch these days. :)
Nice gams, lady! And amazing pillow :-) I think you should hold onto the aprons and repurpose them somehow, like trim for team towels or a patchwork pillow cover. Are they cotton? If so, yummy vintage gingham!
And yes, Jessica is the coolest person :-)
I like the blue apron the most but they're both adorable. There's something about aprons which is comforting and homey.
I love the pretty blue one. It would match my kitchen.
angelleslament @
Purple, delightful! And that is the most darling wedding gift ever!
Blue apron! So pretty!
I would love an apron ...
And I love the fabric.
And the new LARGE photos!!!!!!!!
I love the aprons and the pillow you made for your friends. So cute. I have been looking for a nice apron for a while, but they don't sel them in stores anymore. The pink one would be great to add to my pink wardrobe. Judie
ahhh these both are the cutest things! I am obsessed with aprons and I also love embroidery... I just discovered the art of chicken scratch... I think I am in love the blue one!
I am in love with the embroidered pillow that you made. SO ADORABLE.
Thanks for the apron giveaway...are you sure you want to part with those? If you're SURE you do and I happen to win one, the pink(or is it lavender)would be my first choice.
Wow, looks like you found some great finds! That denim skirt looks great - well done.
I think I like the blue apron best. Such a vibrant color!
oo, yes, these aprons are cute. i have to say the blue one would go so well with my vintage snowflake pyrex!
great post, lots of nice stuff. i love that chair, in fact, i love vintage school furniture. of course here in l.a. they are super expensive and sold at trendy antique markets!
The purple one is pretty and the pillow is sew sweet!
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